Pujan Dhakal

I'm a


About Me

I'm Pujan Dhakal and

Hi! My name is Pujan Dhakal. I am a dynamic and passionate multimedia specialist with a keen eye for captivating visual content. With a diverse skill set spanning graphic content creation, photography, videography, and cinematography, I am a true creative powerhouse. Armed with a deep understanding of the artistry and technical aspects of multimedia production, I consistently deliver exceptional results that exceed expectations. From crafting stunning graphics to capturing breathtaking moments behind the lens,My dedication and expertise shine through in every project. With a commitment to excellence and a relentless pursuit of perfection, I am the ideal choice for anyone seeking a skilled multimedia specialist who can bring their vision to life.


Quality Services

  • Creative Design

    Web design is a similar process of creation, with the intention of presenting...

  • Web Development

    Web design is a similar process of creation, with the intention of presenting...

  • Brand Identity

    Web design is a similar process of creation, with the intention of presenting...

  • Adobe Photoshop

    Web design is a similar process of creation, with the intention of presenting...

  • Adobe Illustrator

    Web design is a similar process of creation, with the intention of presenting...

  • Social Media

    Web design is a similar process of creation, with the intention of presenting...

Are you interested in working with me? Let's started now

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    Drinked Pepsi